Guida alla grammatica inglese
Impara la grammatica inglese: consulta la nostra guida di grammatica inglese codificata a colori e svolgi gli esercizi di pratica!
The Present Simple Tense: Be
01) Be al Present Simple: am/are/is
Be in the Present Simple Tense: am/are/is
02) Be: Contrazioni al Present Simple
Be: Contractions in the Present Simple Tense
03) Be: Negativo al Present Simple
Be: Negatives in the Present Simple Tense
04) Be: Domande aperte al Present Simple
Be: Open Questions in the Present Simple Tense
05) Be: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi al Present Simple
Be: Closed Questions & Short Answers in the Present Simple Tense
The Present Simple Tense: Verbs
01) Present Simple: Forme verbali
The Present Simple Tense: Verb Forms
02) Present Simple: Negativo
The Present Simple Tense: Negatives
03) Present Simple: Domande aperte
The Present Simple Tense: Open Questions
04) Present Simple: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
The Present Simple Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
05) Present Simple: Professioni
The Present Simple Tense: Jobs
06) Present Simple: Be vs Verbi
The Present Simple Tense: Be vs Verbs
Possession: Have Got
01) Have Got: Forme
Have Got: Forms
02) Have Got: Contrazioni
Have Got: Contractions
03) Have Got: Negativo
Have Got: Negatives
04) Have Got: Domande aperte
Have Got: Open Questions
05) Have Got: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
Have Got: Closed Questions & Short Answers
The Past Simple Tense: Be
01) Be al Past Simple: was/were
Be in the Past Simple Tense: was/were
02) Be: Negativo al Past Simple
Be: Negatives in the Past Simple Tense
03) Be: Domande aperte al Past Simple
Be: Open Questions in the Past Simple Tense
04) Be: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi al Past Simple
Be: Closed Questions & Short Answers in the Past Simple Tense
05) Be: Present Simple vs Past Simple
Be: The Present Simple Tense vs The Past Simple Tense
The Past Simple Tense: Verbs
01) Past Simple: Verbi regolari
The Past Simple Tense: Regular Verbs
02) Past Simple: Verbi irregolari
The Past Simple Tense: Irregular Verbs
03) Past Simple: Negativo
The Past Simple Tense: Negatives
04) Past Simple: Domande aperte
The Past Simple Tense: Open Questions
05) Past Simple: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
The Past Simple Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
06) Past Simple: Verbi vs Be
The Past Simple Tense: Verbs vs Be
07) Present Simple vs Past Simple
The Present Simple Tense vs The Past Simple Tense
Articles and Plurals
01) Articoli indefiniti e plurali: a/an & -s/-es
Indefinite Articles & Plurals: a/an & -s/-es
02) Plurali irregolari
Irregular Plurals
03) Articoli indefiniti vs Articolo determinativo: a/an vs the
Indefinite Articles vs The Definite Article: a/an vs the
04) Nomi propri
Proper Nouns
05) The con cose uniche
The with Only One Thing
06) The con luoghi e espressioni di tempo
The with Places and Time Phrases
07) Determinanti: some/any
Determiners: some/any
There is/There are
01) There is & There are
There is & There are
02) Determinanti: some/any/a/an
Determiners: some/any/a/an
03) How much & How many: Domande sulle quantità
How much & How many: Questions about Quantities
04) Dimostrativi: this/that/these/those
Demonstratives: this/that/these/those
Pronouns and Possessives
01) Pronomi e aggettivi possessivi
Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives
02) Whose e il possessivo ('s)
Whose and the Possessive ('s)
The Present Continuous Tense
01) Present Continuous: Forme verbali
The Present Continuous Tense: Verb Forms
02) Present Continuous: Contrazioni
The Present Continuous Tense: Contractions
03) Present Continuous: Negativo
The Present Continuous Tense: Negatives
04) Present Continuous: Domande aperte
The Present Continuous Tense: Open Questions
05) Present Continuous: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
The Present Continuous Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
06) Present Continuous vs Present Simple
The Present Continuous Tense vs The Present Simple Tense
Adjectives and Adverbs
01) Aggettivi
02) Avverbi di Modo
Adverbs of Manner
03) Avverbi irregolari
Irregular Adverbs
04) Avverbi di grado: very/really/too/quite
Adverbs of Degree: very/really/too/quite
Comparatives and Superlatives
01) Aggettivi comparativi
Comparative Adjectives
02) Comparativi irregolari
Irregular Comparatives
03) Superlativi
Future Forms
01) Predizioni future: will/won't/might
Future Predictions: will/won't/might
02) Piani futuri: be going to
Future Plans: be going to
03) Be going to: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
Be going to: Closed Questions & Short Answers
04) Present Continuous: Appuntamenti futuri
The Present Continuous Tense: Future Arrangements
Commands and Advice
01) Comandi e consigli: L'imperativo
Commands and Advice: The Imperative
02) Modali per suggerimenti e consigli: Should
Modals for Suggestions and Advice: Should
03) Modali per ordini: must/mustn't
Modals for Orders & Commands: must/mustn't
04) Modali per possibilità: can/could
Modals for Possibility: can/could
05) Obbligo: have to
Obligation: have to
06) Offerte
The Present Perfect Tense: Part 1
01) Present Perfect: Verbi regolari
The Present Perfect Tense: Regular Verbs
02) Present Perfect: Verbi irregolari
The Present Perfect Tense: Irregular Verbs
03) Present Perfect: Contrazioni
The Present Perfect Tense: Contractions
04) Present Perfect: Negativo
The Present Perfect Tense: Negatives
05) Present Perfect: Domande aperte
The Present Perfect Tense: Open Questions
06) Present Perfect: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
The Present Perfect Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
07) Present Perfect vs Past Simple
The Present Perfect Tense vs the Past Simple Tense
Time Phrases
01) Date e numeri ordinali
Dates and Ordinal Numbers
02) Espressioni di tempo: Espressioni di frequenza
Time Phrases: Frequency Expressions
03) Espressioni di tempo: Avverbi di frequenza
Time Phrases: Adverbs of Frequency
04) Espressioni di tempo: in/at/on/every
Time Phrases: in/at/on/every
05) Espressioni di tempo: Futuro
Time Phrases: Future
06) Espressioni di tempo: Passato
Time Phrases: Past
07) Confronto dei tempi verbali
Comparing Tenses
08) Lista dei verbi irregolari
Irregular Verb List
01) Godere dei nomi: like + NOME
Enjoying Nouns: like + NOUN
02) Godere delle attività: like + VERBO
Enjoying Activities: like + VERB
03) Somiglianze: be like/look like
Similarities: be like/look like
04) Aspetto: look like
Appearances: look like
05) Personalità: be like
Personalities: be like
06) Offerte e richieste educate: would like
Polite Offers and Requests: would like
01) Interrogativi
Question Words
02) Domande con How
How Questions
03) Domande di soggetto e oggetto
Subject and Object Questions
04) Strutture interrogative
Question Tags
05) Domande indirette
Indirect Questions
01) Verbi con attività
Verbs with Activities
02) Attività: go for/go on/go to/go + Gerundio
Activities: go for/go on/go to/go + Gerund
03) Avverbi di frequenza: Be vs Verbi
Adverbs of Frequency: Be vs Verbs
04) Preposizioni di luogo: in/at/on
Prepositions with Places: in/at/on
05) Verbi di stato vs Present Continuous
Stative Verbs vs Present Continuous
The Past Continuous Tense
01) Past Continuous: Forme verbali
The Past Continuous Tense: Verb Forms
02) Past Continuous: Negativo
The Past Continuous Tense: Negatives
03) Past Continuous: Domande aperte
The Past Continuous Tense: Open Questions
04) Past Continuous: Domande chiuse e risposte brevi
The Past Continuous Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
05) Past Continuous: Congiunzioni
The Past Continuous Tense: Conjunctions
The Present Perfect Tense: Part 2
01) Present Perfect: yet/already/still/just
The Present Perfect Tense: yet/already/still/just
02) Present Perfect: How long?
The Present Perfect Tense: How long?
03) Present Perfect vs Past Simple: How long?
The Present Perfect Tense vs the Past Simple Tense: How long?
04) Abitudini passate vs Present Perfect: use to
Past Habits vs Present Perfect: use to
Things in Common
01) Cose in comune: too/neither
Things in Common: too/neither
02) Cose in comune: So do I (so/neither/nor)
Things in Common: So do I (so/neither/nor)
03) Cose in comune in tempi diversi: so/neither/nor
Things in Common in Different Tenses: so/neither/nor
04) Distributivi: both/neither of us
Distributives: both/neither of us
Suffixes and Prefixes
01) Aggettivi: -ing vs -ed
Adjectives: -ing vs -ed
02) Prefissi negativi: un/dis/in/im-
Negative Prefixes: un/dis/in/im-
03) Suffissi: Aggettivi da verbi
Suffixes: Adjectives from Verbs
04) Suffissi: Aggettivi da nomi
Suffixes: Adjectives from Nouns
05) Suffissi: Persone da verbi
Suffixes: People from Verbs
06) Suffissi: Persone da nomi
Suffixes: People from Nouns
07) Suffissi: Nazionalità da paesi
Suffixes: Nationalities from Countries
08) Suffissi: Nomi da verbi
Suffixes: Nouns from verbs
09) Suffissi: Nomi da aggettivi
Suffixes: Nouns from Adjectives
10) Suffissi: Nomi da nomi
Suffixes: Nouns from Nouns
11) Suffissi per verbi: -en/ify/ise/ize
Suffixes for verbs: -en/ify/ise/ize
Future Plans
01) Espressioni per piani futuri
Future Plan Phrases
02) Infinitivo di scopo: to vs for
Infinitive of Purpose: to vs for
01) Condizionale zero
The Zero Conditional
02) Condizionale primo
The First Conditional
03) Condizionale secondo
The Second Conditional
04) Condizionale secondo: If I were you
The Second Conditional: If I were you
05) Condizionale primo: Congiunzioni
The First Conditional: Conjunctions
Comparing Things
01) Comparativi di inferiorità: less ... than
Comparatives of Inferiority: less ... than
02) Comparativi di uguaglianza e inferiorità: as ... as
Comparatives of Equality & Inferiority: as ... as
03) Determinanti: more + NOME
Determiners: more + NOUN
04) Quantificatori: much/a lot/a bit/a little
Quantifiers: much/a lot/a bit/a little
05) Quantificatori: too/enough
Quantifiers: too/enough
01) Determinanti: some/any/a little/a few
Determiners: some/any/a little/a few
02) Quantità: piece of/bottle of
Quantities: piece of/bottle of
03) Quantità: too many/too much/a lot of/enough
Quantities: too many/too much/a lot of/enough
04) Quantificatori: every/all
Quantifiers: every/all
05) Pronomi indefiniti: one/ones
Indefinite Pronouns: one/ones
06) Pronomi possessivi
Possessive Pronouns
07) Pronomi riflessivi
Reflexive Pronouns
08) Prefissi per pronomi indefiniti: any/some/every/no-
Prefixes for Indefinite Pronouns: any/some/every/no-
The Passive Voice
01) Passiva: Present Simple
The Passive Voice: Present Simple Tense
02) Passiva: Past Simple
The Passive Voice: Past Simple Tense
Reported Speech
01) Discorso indiretto: Present Simple
Reported Speech: Present Simple
02) Discorso indiretto: Present Continuous
Reported Speech: Present Continuous
03) Discorso indiretto: Futuro
Reported Speech: Future
Relative Clauses
01) Proposizioni relative: Pronome soggetto
Relative Clauses: The Subject Pronoun
02) Proposizioni relative: Pronome oggetto
Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun
03) Proposizioni relative definitorie: Pronome soggetto definisce il soggetto
Defining Relative Clauses: The Subject Pronoun Defining the Object
04) Proposizioni relative definitorie: Pronome soggetto definisce l'oggetto
Defining Relative Clauses: The Subject Pronoun Defining the Subject
05) Proposizioni relative definitorie: Pronome oggetto definisce l'oggetto
Defining Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun Defining the Object
06) Proposizioni relative definitorie: Pronome oggetto definisce il soggetto
Defining Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun Defining the Subject
07) Proposizioni relative non definitorie: Soggetto
Non-Defining Relative Clauses: Subject
08) Proposizioni relative non definitorie: Oggetto
Non-Defining Relative Clauses: Object
09) Proposizioni relative: Where
Relative Clauses: Where