Guida alla grammatica inglese Prefissi negativi: un/dis/in/im-
Negative Prefixes: un/dis/in/im-
Il uso - Prefissi Negativi per AggettiviI prefissi negativi un- , dis- , im- e in- sono usati con un aggettivo per formare il significato opposto dell'aggettivo.
Grammatica - Prefissi Negativi per Aggettiviun- + ADJECTIVEhappy → un happy dis- + ADJECTIVEhonest → dis honest in- + ADJECTIVEcorrect → in correct im- + ADJECTIVEpolite → im polite Forme - un- + AGGETTIVOADJECTIVE un- + ADJECTIVEambitious un ambitiousattractive un attractiveemployed un employedfriendly un friendlyhappy un happyhealthy un healthyhelpful un helpfulintelligent un intelligentprepared un preparedreliable un reliableselfish un selfishsure un sure
Forme - dis- + AGGETTIVOADJECTIVE dis- + ADJECTIVEagreeable dis agreeablehonest dis honestloyal dis loyalobedient dis obedientorganised dis organisedpleased dis pleasedsatisfied dis satisfiedtrustful dis trustful
⚠ Attenzione!The adjective organised has 2 negatives: dis organised = unprepared/messyun organised = not organised yetdis organised is stronger than un organised Forme - in- + AGGETTIVOADJECTIVE in- + ADJECTIVEattentive in attentivecompetent in competentconsiderate in consideratecorrect in correcteligible in eligiblesecure in securetolerant in tolerant
Forme - im- + AGGETTIVOADJECTIVE im- + ADJECTIVEmature im maturemobile im mobilepartial im partialpatient im patientpolite im polite
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