Guida alla grammatica inglese Suffissi: Aggettivi da nomi
Suffixes: Adjectives from Nouns
Il uso - Sostantivo a Aggettivo SuffissiI suffissi -al , -ful , -ish , -en e -ic trasformano i nomi in aggettivi .
Grammatica - Sostantivo a Aggettivo SuffissiNOUN → ADJECTIVE -al (do something/be something)emotion → emotional -ful (have something/be something)beauty → beautiful -ish (have something/be something)child → childish -en (substance)gold → golden -ic (have something/be something)base → basic Forme - Aggettivo : -al (Fare Qualcosa/Essere Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. brute brutal magic magical comic comical music musical condition conditional option optional emotion emotional post postal form formal season seasonal globe global topic topical logic logical
Forme - Aggettivo : -ful (Avere Qualcosa/Essere Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. beauty beautiful pain painful care careful power powerful harm harmful success successful help helpful thought thoughtful law lawful use useful
Forme - Aggettivo : -ish (Essere Come Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. baby babyish child childish book bookish fever feverish boy boyish self selfish bull bullish style stylish
Forme - Aggettivo : -en (Sostanza)NOUN ADJ. gold golden (colour) wood wooden
Forme - Aggettivo : -ic (Avere Qualcosa/Essere Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. base basic Islam Islamic class classic poet poetic drama dramatic strategy strategic energy energetic system systematic
Il uso - Sostantivo a Aggettivo SuffissiI suffissi -less , -ly , -ous e -y trasformano i nomi in aggettivi .
Grammatica - Sostantivo a Aggettivo SuffissiNOUN → ADJECTIVE -less (without something)care → careless -ly (frequency/be like something)month → monthly -ous (with something/have something)danger → dangerous -y (have something)cloud → cloudy Forme - Aggettivo : -less (Senza Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. care careless hope hopeless cloud cloudless humour humourless colour colourless job jobless end endless power powerless fear fearless sleep sleepless help helpless taste tasteless home homeless use useless
Forme - Aggettivo : -ly (Frequenza/Essere Come Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. coward cowardly month monthly day daily mother motherly father fatherly order orderly friend friendly year yearly ghost ghostly
Forme - Aggettivo : -ous (Con Qualcosa/Avere Qualcosa)NOUN ADJ. NOUN ADJ. caution cautious hazard hazardous danger dangerous joy joyous disaster disastrous miracle miraculous fame famous nerve nervous
Forme - Aggettivo : -y (Avere Qualcosa)NOUN ADJECTIVE NOUN ADJ. cloud cloudy smell smelly dirt dirty spice spicy dust dusty storm stormy fault faulty sun sunny health healthy wealth wealthy ice icy wind windy rain rainy
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