Guida alla grammatica inglese

Proposizioni relative: Pronome oggetto

Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun

Il uso - Proposizioni Subordinate Relative: Pronome Complemento

Possiamo usare una proposizione relativa per dare più informazioni sull'oggetto. Non abbiamo bisogno di una seconda frase.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • To give more information about the object

Grammatica - Proposizioni Subordinate Relative: Pronome Complemento

Possiamo usare un pronome oggetto per dare più informazioni su qualcosa quando lo menzioniamo di nuovo.

Usiamo una proposizione relativa invece di un pronome oggetto quando lo menzioniamo di nuovo nella stessa frase.

Usiamo who o that al posto del pronome oggetto.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • PERSONwho/that
  • me/you/him/her/us/themwho/that
  • Friends are people. You like them.
  • Friends are people who you like.
  • THINGwhich/that
  • it/onewhich/that
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • PLACEwhere
  • therewhere
  • A park is a place. You can relax there.
  • A park is a place where you can relax.

Esempi - Frase con Pronome Complemento

Friends are people.You like them.
A pen is a tool.You use one for writing.
A park is a place.You can relax there.


Friends are people who you like.
Friends are people that you like.
A pen is a tool which you use for writing.
A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
A park is a place where you can relax.


  • We don't need to use a RELATIVE PRONOUN for an OBJECT.
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • A pen is a tool you use for writing.

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