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Espressioni per piani futuri

Future Plan Phrases

Il uso - Espressioni per i Piani Futuri

Possiamo usare be going to al presente continuo con l'infinitivo per i piani futuri.

Possiamo usare be planning to per i piani futuri che stiamo ancora facendo.

Possiamo usare be hoping to per i piani futuri di cui non siamo sicuri.

Possiamo usare be thinking of con il gerundio per le idee sul futuro.

Possiamo usare be looking forward to con il gerundio per i piani futuri che ci entusiasmano.

Grammatica - Espressioni per i Piani Futuri: Present Continuous

Queste frasi usano il presente continuo e il verbo be per le negazioni, le domande e le risposte brevi, ecc.

  • SUBJ. + BE + going to + INFINITIVE
  • SUBJ. + BE + planning to + INFINITIVE
  • I am planning to go to university.
  • SUBJ. + BE + hoping to + INFINITIVE
  • She is hoping to travel next year.
  • SUBJ. + BE + thinking of + INF.-ing
  • SUBJ. + BE + looking forward to + INF.-ing
  • I am looking forward to going to Rome.
  • BE + SUBJ. + PHRASE ... ?
  • Yes, + SUBJ. + BE.
  • Is he hoping to travel next year?
  • Yes, he is.
  • BE + SUBJ. + PHRASE ... ?
  • No, + SUBJ. + NEG. BE.
  • Is he planning to move next year?
  • No, he isn't.

Esempi - Piani Futuri

Iamgoing tostay at home tonight.
Iamgoing towork tomorrow.

Esempi - Piani Che Stiamo Ancora Facendo

S.BEplanning toINF. + PLAN
Iamplanning totravel abroad next year.
Iamplanning tostart a business.

Esempi - Piani Di Cui Non Siamo Sicuri

Iamhoping tofind a new job soon.
Iamhoping tomeet my future wife.

Esempi - Idee Che Stiamo Considerando

S.BEthinking of...-ing + IDEA
Iamthinking ofstudying medicine.
Iamthinking oflearning the piano.

Esempi - Piani Di Cui Siamo Entusiasti

S.BElooking forward to...-ing + PLAN
Iamlooking forward togoing on holiday.
Iamlooking forward togetting married.

Esempi - Espressioni per i Piani Futuri: Domande Chiuse ➤ Yes/No

Is he going to stay at home ?Yes, he is.
Is she planning to study law?No, she isn't.
Is he hoping to go to LA?Yes, he is.
Is she thinking of moving?No, she isn't.
Is he looking forward to flying?Yes, he is.


  • Be looking forward to uses INF.-ing.
  • I am looking forward to going to Paris.
  • It is very unusual to use INF.-ing after to.
  • Most phrases use the INFINITIVE after to.
  • I am planning to go on holiday.
  • I am going to visit them tomorrow.
  • I need to eat.
  • I have to work tomorrow.
  • It was good to see you yesterday.
  • I went to the park to relax.

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