English Grammar Guide Quantities: piece of/bottle of Usage - Quantities We can use containers to show the quantity of a noun .
We can use containers to measure uncountable nouns .
Containers Quantities Counting Uncountable Nouns Grammar - Quantities a + CONTAINER + of + NOUN Forms - Quantities: a bottle of ...beer lemonade shampoo cola milk vinegar ink perfume water
Forms - Quantities: a piece of ...bread fabric pie cake fish plastic chicken metal wood
Forms - Quantities: a bar of ...Forms - Quantities: a packet of ...biscuits bacon sugar crisps rice tea sweets seeds tissues
Forms - Quantities: a tube of ...Forms - Quantities: a pair of ...binoculars headphones slippers earings shoes socks glasses shorts trousers
Forms - Quantities: a plate of ...biscuits food chips rice chicken snacks
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