English Grammar Guide The Present Perfect Tense: yet/already/still/just Usage - The Present Perfect TenseWe use the present perfect tense for discussing whether something has finished .
We use yet with questions.
We use already when something was finished earlier than expected.
We use just when something recently finished.
We use still or yet when something is late or when we are waiting.
Discussing whether something has been completed yet : for questionsalready : earlyjust : not long agostill /yet : late, waitingGrammar - yet / already / still / just QUESTIONS :HAVE + SUBJECT + V3 ... yet ? Have you finished yet ? Yes , I have.POSITIVE :SUBJECT + HAVE + already /just + V3 Have you finished yet ? Yes , I have already finished.Has he done it yet ? Yes , he has just done it.NEGATIVE :SUBJECT + NEG. HAVE + V3 ... yet . Has he opened the shop yet ? No , he hasn't opened it yet .NEGATIVE :SUBJECT + still + NEG. HAVE + V3 Has she called yet ? No , she still hasn't called.Examples - Questions with yet HAVE S. V3 yet ? ... S. HAVE Have I passed yet ? ➤ Yes, you have .Have you finished yet ? ➤ Yes, I have .Has he done it yet ? ➤ Yes, he has .Has she used it yet ? ➤ No, she hasn't .Has it loaded yet ? ➤ Yes, it has .Have we seen it yet ? ➤ Yes, we have .Have they arrived yet ? ➤ No, they haven't .
Examples - Negative Sentences with yet SUBJ. HAVEN'T V3 yet .I haven't finished yet .You haven't watched it yet .He hasn't done it yet .She hasn't used it yet .It hasn't loaded yet .We haven't seen it yet .They haven't arrived yet .
Examples - Negative Sentences with still SUBJ. still HAVEN'T V3 I still haven't finished. He still hasn't done it.
Examples - Positive Sentences with already SUBJ. HAVE already V3 I have already finished. You have already watched it. He has already done it. She has already used it. It has already loaded. We have already studied it. They have already arrived.
Examples - Positive Sentences with just SUBJ. HAVE just V3 I have just finished. He has just done it.
Symbols & Abbreviations ⧿ Negative ⧾ Positive ? Question N. Noun NEG. Negative S. Subject SUBJ. Subject V3 Past Participle
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