English Grammar Guide The Passive Voice: Past Simple Tense Grammar - The Passive Voice in the Past SimpleIn the passive voice, we use the verb be and the past participle (V3 ). In the past, be has the forms was and were .
BE → was /were SUBJECT + was /were + V3 + by + OBJECT Gravity was discovered by Newton. SUBJECT + was /were + V3 + PREPOSITION ... Pluto was discovered in 1930. Examples - Passive Voice in the Past SimpleSUBJ. BE + V3 by OBJ. (passive) Harry Potter was written by JK Rowling. The motorcar was invented by Karl Benz. The dinosaurs were killed by a comet.
⚠ Be Careful!In the passive voice, the verb be takes the same form as be in the active voice of the tense .
BE changes to its form in any tense :are /are /is + being + V3 (PRES. CON. )was /were + being + V3 (PAST CON. )have /has + been + V3 (PRES. PERFECT )will + be + V3 (FUTURE )Examples - Passive Voice in Different TensesSUBJ. BE + V3 by OBJ. He is being tested by the examiner. They were being watched by the police. I have been promoted by my boss. He will be arrested by the police.
Symbols & Abbreviations OBJ. Object PAST CON. Past Continuous PREP. Preposition PRES. CON. Present Continuous SUBJ. Subject V3 Past Participle
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