English Grammar Guide Adjectives Usage - Adjectives Adjectives describe nouns .
Grammar - Adjectives Adjectives come after determiners and before a noun .
Adjectives can also come after the verb be .
DETERMINER + ADJECTIVE + NOUN I saw a big dog . a /an /the /my /your /... + ADJECTIVE + NOUN This is my new phone . SUBJECT + BE + ADJECTIVE My car is good . Examples - Adjectives SUBJ. VERB DET. ADJ. NOUN I saw a big frog .He bought an expensive bicycle .It is a cheap car .They are my old shorts .This is my new phone .That is the angry dog .These are his good glasses .Those are the sweet strawberries .
Examples - Adjectives SUBJECT BE ADJECTIVE My car is good .That dog is angry .The phone is new .Those bananas are cheap .His shoes are old .These cakes are nice .The frogs are big .The bicycle is expensive .
Symbols & Abbreviations ADJ. Adjective DET. Determiner SUBJ. Subject
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