English Grammar Guide Suffixes: Adjectives from Verbs Usage - Verb to Adjective SuffixesThe suffixes -able and -ible change verbs into adjectives . They state whether something is possible .
The suffixes -ful and -ive change verbs into adjectives . They state whether a noun does something .
Grammar - Verb to Adjective SuffixesVERB → ADJECTIVE -able (possible)desire → desirable -ible (possible)access → accessible -ful (do something)forget → forgetful -ive (do something)act → active Forms - ADJECTIVE : -able (Possible)VERB ADJ. VERB ADJ. adore adorable manage manageable desire desirable measure measurable drink drinkable notice noticeable excite excitable port portable like likeable rely reliable
Forms - ADJECTIVE : -ible (Possible)VERB ADJ. access accessible convert convertible flex flexible suggest suggestible
Forms - ADJECTIVE : -ful (Do Something)VERB ADJ. forget forgetful help helpful play playful
Forms - ADJECTIVE : -ive (Do Something)VERB ADJ. VERB ADJ. act active persuade persuasive create creative possess possessive explode explosive produce productive express expressive select selective pass passive sense sensitive
Symbols & Abbreviations ADJ. Adjective
Usage - Adjectives from Past ParticiplesThe past participle (V3 ) forms of verbs are sometimes used as adjectives .
Some adjectives are formed by adding -en to a past participle (V3 ).
ADJECTIVE forms of VERBS Something has happened to the noun Grammar - Adjectives from Past ParticiplesINFINITIVE → PAST PARTICIPLE (V3 )PAST PARTICIPLE = ADJECTIVE break → broken PAST PARTICIPLE -en = ADJECTIVE drink → drunk → drunken Forms - Adjectives from Past ParticiplesINFINITIVE V3 /ADJECTIVE break broken burn burnt forget forgotten freeze frozen hide hidden handwrite handwritten steal stolen
Forms - PAST PARTICIPLE -en = ADJECTIVE INFINITIVE V3 ADJECTIVE drink drunk drunken shrink shrunk shrunken sink sunk sunken
Symbols & Abbreviations = Same as V3 Past Participle
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