English Grammar Guide Suffixes: Nouns from Nouns Usage - Noun to Noun SuffixesNOUN forms of other NOUNS Grammar - Noun to Noun SuffixesNOUN → NOUN -ism : philosophy/attitudecapital → capitalism -ist : follower of philosophy/attitudecapital → capitalist -ship : relationship/rank/skillfriend → friendship -hood child → childhood Forms - NOUN : -ism (Philosophy /Attitude )NOUN NOUN activity activ ism age age ism capital capital ism race rac ism social (adjective) social ism tour tourism
Forms - NOUN : -ist (Has Philosophy /Attitude )NOUN NOUN activity activ ist age age ist capital capital ist race rac ist social (adjective) social ist tour tourist
Forms - NOUN : -ship (Relationship /Rank /Skill )NOUN NOUN citizen citizen ship friend friend ship king king ship lord lord ship leader leader ship member member ship partner partner ship relation relation ship showman showman ship workman workman ship
Forms - NOUN : -hood NOUN NOUN brother brotherhood child childhood monk monkhood neighbour neighbourhood parent parenthood
Usage - Noun SuffixesNOUN forms of other wordsGrammar - Noun Suffixes-age : group of nouns/result/charge/measurepost → postage -ry /-ery : action of a job/place/actionfish → fishery -dom : state/areaking → kingdom Forms - -age (Group /Result /Charge /Measure )WORD NOUN WORD NOUN bag bagg age percent percent age marry marri age post post age pack pack age short short age pass pass age store storage know know ledge wreck wreck age
Forms - -ry / -ery (Action of a Job /Place /Action )WORD NOUN WORD NOUN archer archer y fish fish ery bake bak ery minister minist ry dentist dentist ry refine refine ry recover recove ry rob robb ery
Forms - NOUN : -dom (State of Being /Area )WORD NOUN WORD NOUN bore bore dom king king dom Christ Christen dom star star dom free free dom wise wis dom
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