English Grammar Guide Time Phrases: Future Usage - in + TIME PHRASEWe use in with months , years and seasons .
in + MONTH (January /February /... )in + YEAR (2046 /2082 )in + SEASON (summer /winter /... )Examples - in + TIME PHRASEACTIVITY in TIME PHRASE I'm starting in September .The probe will land in 2046 .I'm going in summer .
Usage - on + TIME PHRASEWe use on with days of the week .
on + DAY (Monday /Tuesday /... )Examples - on + TIME PHRASEACTIVITY on TIME PHRASE I'm going to work on Wednesday .I'm going to Chicago on Saturday .They are coming on Saturday .
Usage - at + TIME PHRASEWe use at with times .
at + TIME (3 o'clock /4 o'clock /... )Examples - at + TIME PHRASEACTIVITY at TIME PHRASE I'm finishing at 5 o'clock .I'll meet you at 7 o'clock .
Usage - next + TIME PHRASEWe can use next with many time phrases.
next + week/month/year/weekendnext + DAY (Monday /Tuesday /... )Examples - next + TIME PHRASEACTIVITY next TIME PHRASE I'm going to the gym next Wednesday .He's coming next week. They're visiting next month. I'm going to travel next year.
⚠ Be Careful!I'm playing next day . ✘ I'm playing tomorrow . ✔ Usage - in + TIME PHRASEWe use in ... time for numbers .
in + NUMBER + hours/days/weeks/... + time Examples - in + NUMBER ... time ACTIVITY in NUMBER time I'm going in 3 hourstime .He's arriving in 4 daystime .It will be ready in 5 monthstime .The tunnel will be ready in 3 yearstime .
⚠ Be Careful!We use the week after next for in 2 weeks time etc.
the week after next = in 2 weeks time Forms - after vs in ... time Using after Using in ... time the day after tomorrow in 2 days time the week after next in 2 weeks time the month after next in 2 months time the year after next in 2 years time
Symbols & Abbreviations = Same as ✔ Correct ✘ Incorrect
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