Guia de gramatica inglesa Sufixos: Pessoas de verbos
Suffixes: People from Verbs
Função - Verbo para Pessoa SufixosOs sufixos -er , -ant , -or , -r , -ist , -ent e -ee transformam verbos em substantivos . Eles são frequentemente pessoas ou profissões .
NOUN forms of VERBS (jobs or people who do something)Gramática - Verbo para Pessoa SuffixosVERB → PERSON -er teach → teacher -ant assist → assistant -or act → actor -r manage → manager -ist type → typist -ent study → student -ee (object of an action)employ → employee Formas - PESSOA : -er VERB PERSON VERB PERSON clean cleaner sing singer farm farmer teach teacher interview interviewer train trainer paint painter wait waiter photograph photographer program programmer research researcher
Formas - PESSOA : -r VERB PERSON VERB PERSON bake baker manage manager dive diver serve server drive driver write writer examine examiner
Formas - PESSOA : -ant VERB PERSON VERB PERSON account accountant assist assistant apply applicant defend defendant
Formas - PESSOA : -or VERB PERSON VERB PERSON act actor conduct conductor collect collector visit visitor
Formas - PESSOA : -ist VERB PERSON VERB PERSON cycle cyclist tour tourist lobby lobbyist type typist
Formas - PESSOA : -ee (Objeto de uma Ação)VERB PERSON VERB PERSON employ employee pay payee interview interviewee train trainee license licensee
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