Guia de gramatica inglesa Sufixos para verbos: -en/ify/ise/ize
Suffixes for verbs: -en/ify/ise/ize
Função - Verbo SufixosVERB forms of other wordsGramática - Verbo Suffixos-en : from adjectiveshard → harden -ify beauty → beautify -ise real → realise Formas - VERBO : -en (de Adjetivos)ADJECTIVE VERB ADJECTIVE VERB bright brighten short shorten deep deepen soft soften hard harden thick thicken loose loosen wide widen
Formas - VERBO : -ify WORD VERB WORD VERB beauty beautify intense intensify clarity clarify pure puriify identity identify specific speciify
Formas - VERBO : -ise WORD VERB WORD VERB advert advertise oxygen oxidise economy economise priority prioritise final finalise private privatise industrial industrialise real realise memory memorise
⚠ Tome cuidado!Many verbs that end -ise in British English end -ize in American English: realize ✔ = American English realise ✔ = British English
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