Guia de gramatica inglesa

Orações subordinadas adjetivas: Pronome objeto

Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun

Função - Orações Subordinadas Adjetivas: Pronome Complemento

Podemos usar uma oração subordinada adjetiva para fornecer mais informações sobre o objeto. Não precisamos de uma segunda frase.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • To give more information about the object

Gramática - Orações Subordinadas Adjetivas: Pronome Complemento

Podemos usar um pronome objeto para fornecer mais informações sobre algo quando o mencionamos novamente.

Usamos uma oração subordinada adjetiva em vez de um pronome objeto quando o mencionamos novamente na mesma frase.

Usamos who ou that no lugar do pronome objeto.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • PERSONwho/that
  • me/you/him/her/us/themwho/that
  • Friends are people. You like them.
  • Friends are people who you like.
  • THINGwhich/that
  • it/onewhich/that
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • PLACEwhere
  • therewhere
  • A park is a place. You can relax there.
  • A park is a place where you can relax.

Exemplos - Frases com Pronome Complemento

Friends are people.You like them.
A pen is a tool.You use one for writing.
A park is a place.You can relax there.


Friends are people who you like.
Friends are people that you like.
A pen is a tool which you use for writing.
A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
A park is a place where you can relax.

Tome cuidado!

  • We don't need to use a RELATIVE PRONOUN for an OBJECT.
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • A pen is a tool you use for writing.

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