Guia de gramatica inglesa

Discurso indireto: Futuro

Reported Speech: Future

Função - Discurso Indireto: Futuro

  • Reporting what someone said

Gramática - Discurso Indireto: will

Quando relatamos o que alguém já disse sobre o futuro com will, usamos would.

  • will would

Exemplos - willwould

  • "I'll come tomorrow."
  • She said she would come tomorrow.
  • "I'll do it later."
  • He said he would do it later.

Gramática - Discurso Indireto: be going to

Quando relatamos o que alguém já disse sobre o futuro com be going to, usamos was/were going to.

  • am/are/is was/were

Exemplos - am/are/iswas/were

  • "I'm going to work."
  • She said she was going to work.
  • "They're going to visit."
  • He said they were going to visit.

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