Guia de gramatica inglesa Past Simple: Verbos irregulares
The Past Simple Tense: Irregular Verbs
Gramática - Past Simple : Verbos Irregulares Alguns verbos são irregulares. Não adicionamos -ed . Eles têm diferentes formas verbais .
IRREGULAR VERB (V2 ) = INFINITIVE -ed ✘ V2 = INFINITIVO -ed ✘ eat → eated ✘ INFINITIVE → IRREGULAR VERB ✔ INFINITIVO → VERBO IRREGULAR ✔ eat → ate ✔ She ate noodles yesterday? ✔ SÍMBOLOS/ABREVIAÇÕES = ✔ ✘ V2
Formas - Past Simple : Verbos Irregulares
Aqui está uma lista de verbos irregulares (V2 ) no passado simples:
INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )be was /were become became begin begun bet bet blow blew break broke bring brought build built buy bought catch caught choose chose come came cost cost
INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )cut cut do did draw drew drink drank drive drove eat ate fall fell feed fed feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot
INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )get got give gave go went grow grew have had hear heard hide hid hit hit hold held keep kept know knew learn learnt
⚠ Tome cuidado!learned = American English learnt = British English INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )leave left lend lent let let lose lost make made meet met pay paid put put read read ("red ")ride rode ring rang run ran
⚠ Tome cuidado!The pronunciation of read is "red " in the past simple . It is the same pronunciation as the colour red . read (PRONÚNCIA): "red "INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )say said see saw sell sold send sent shake shook shoot shot sing sang sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spell spelt spend spent
⚠ Tome cuidado!spelled = American English spelt = British English INFINITIVE PAST VERB (V2 )stand stood steal stole swim swam take took teach taught tell told think thought throw threw understand understood wake woke wear wore win won write wrote
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