Guia de gramatica inglesa

Atividades: go for/go on/go to/go +  Gerúndio

Activities: go for/go on/go to/go + Gerund

Função - Verbos de ação

Go for, go on, go to e go são comuns com atividades.

  • go for + ACTIVITY
  • I went for a walk.
  • go on + JOURNEY
  • I went on a tour.
  • go to + PLACE
  • I went to the park.
  • go + OUTDOOR ACTIVITY (-ing)
  • I went fishing.

vocabulário - go for + ATIVIDADE

a drive a ride a swim
a jog a run a walk

vocabulário - go on + VIAGEM

a boat trip a date a trip
a cruise a tour holiday

vocabulário - go to + LUGAR

a concert the beach the museum
an art gallery the circus the park
the shops the lake the zoo

vocabulário - go + ATIVIDADE AO AR LIVRE (-ing)

cycling running skiing
fishing sailing surfing
hiking shopping swimming

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