Guía de gramática inglesa

Proposiciones relativas: Pronombre objeto

Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun

El uso - Proposiciones Subordinadas de Relativo: Pronombre Complemento

Podemos usar una cláusula relativa para dar más información sobre el objeto. No necesitamos una segunda oración.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • To give more information about the object

Gramática - Proposiciones Subordinadas de Relativo: Pronombre Complemento

Podemos usar un pronombre objeto para dar más información sobre algo cuando lo mencionamos nuevamente.

Usamos una cláusula relativa en lugar de un pronombre objeto cuando lo mencionamos nuevamente en la misma oración.

Usamos who o that en lugar del pronombre objeto.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • PERSONwho/that
  • me/you/him/her/us/themwho/that
  • Friends are people. You like them.
  • Friends are people who you like.
  • THINGwhich/that
  • it/onewhich/that
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • PLACEwhere
  • therewhere
  • A park is a place. You can relax there.
  • A park is a place where you can relax.

Ejemplos - Oraciones con Pronombre Complemento

Friends are people.You like them.
A pen is a tool.You use one for writing.
A park is a place.You can relax there.


Friends are people who you like.
Friends are people that you like.
A pen is a tool which you use for writing.
A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
A park is a place where you can relax.


  • We don't need to use a RELATIVE PRONOUN for an OBJECT.
  • A pen is a tool. You use one for writing.
  • A pen is a tool that you use for writing.
  • A pen is a tool you use for writing.

Prueba tu comprensión: Inicia cuestionario

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