Guía de gramática inglesa

Proposiciones relativas definitorias: Pronombre objeto definiendo el objeto

Defining Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun Defining the Object

El uso - Pronombre Complemento que Define al Complemento

Podemos usar una cláusula relativa para dar más información sobre el objeto. No necesitamos una segunda oración.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • Object pronoun defining the object

Gramática - Pronombre Complemento que Define al Complemento

Podemos usar un pronombre objeto para definir el objeto cuando lo mencionamos nuevamente.

Usamos una cláusula relativa en lugar de un pronombre objeto cuando lo mencionamos nuevamente en la misma oración.

Usamos who o that en lugar de la persona.

Usamos which o that en lugar de la cosa.

  • 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
  • PERSONwho/that
  • She saw the dentist. I saw him last month.
  • She saw the dentist who I saw last month.
  • THINGwhich/that
  • I have a saw. You can borow it.
  • I have a saw that you can borrow.

Ejemplos - 2 Oraciones con Pronombre Complemento

She saw the doctor.I saw him last month.
I have a drill.You can borrow it.


She saw the doctor who I saw last month.
She saw the doctor that I saw last month.
I have a drill which you can borrow.
I have a drill that you can borrow.


  • We don't need to use a RELATIVE PRONOUN for an OBJECT.
  • I have a drill. You can borrow it.
  • I have a drill which you can borrow.
  • I have a drill you can borrow.

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