Guía de gramática inglesa

Cantidades: too many/too much/a lot of/enough

Quantities: too many/too much/a lot of/enough

Gramática - Determinantes

Podemos usar many con sustantivos plurales y much con sustantivos incontables para preguntas y declaraciones negativas. Podemos usar a lot of para declaraciones positivas.

  • many/much/a lot of/lots of/enough
  • many/much/a lot of/lots of/enough
  • a lot of/lots of/enough

Podemos usar too many con sustantivos plurales y too much con sustantivos incontables para declaraciones positivas.

  • many/too many + PLURAL NOUN
  • Have you got many eggs?
  • No, I haven't got many eggs.
  • much/too much + UNCOUNTABLE NOUN
  • Have you got much milk?
  • No, I haven't got much milk.
  • a lot of/lots of + PLURAL/UNCOUNTABLE
  • Have you got a lot of apples?
  • Yes, I've got a lot of apples.
  • Have you got many oranges?
  • Yes, I've got lots of oranges.

Podemos usar enough con sustantivos plurales y sustantivos incontables para preguntas, declaraciones negativas y declaraciones positivas.

  • Have you got enough water?
  • Yes, I've got enough water.

Ejemplos - Preguntas con many/much

Have you gotmanyapples?
Have you gotmuchmilk?

Ejemplos - Negaciones con many/much

I haven't gotmanypens.
I haven't gotmuchwater.

Ejemplos - Afirmativas con a lot of

I've gota lot ofcups.
I've gota lot ofcoffee.

Ejemplos - Afirmativas con lots of

I've gotlots ofplates.
I've gotlots oftea.

Ejemplos - Afirmativas con too many/too much

POSITIVEtoo many/too muchNOUN
He eatstoo manycakes.
She eatstoo muchsugar.

Ejemplos - Preguntas con enough

Have you gotenoughapples?
Have you gotenoughmilk?

Ejemplos - Negaciones con enough

I haven't gotenoughplates.
I haven't gotenoughwater.

Ejemplos - Afirmativas con enough

I've gotenoughcups.
I've gotenoughcoffee.

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