Руководство по английской грамматике Прилагательные: -ing vs -ed
Adjectives: -ing vs -ed
Функции - ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ: -ing / -ed Мы используем прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing , чтобы показать причину или обоснование чего-либо.
Мы используем прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ed , чтобы показать результат чего-либо или чувство .
REASON ➤ EFFECT REASON ➤ FEELING Грамматика - ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ: -ing / -ed VERB → ADJECTIVE REASON : ADJ. ending in " -ing " excite → exciting The game was exciting . EFFECT ON /FEELING : ADJ. ending in " -ed " excite → excited I was excited .Примеры - ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ: -ing / -ed R. /E. -ing /-ed The game was exciting . The boy was excited . The story was interesting . The girl was interested .
Примеры - ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ: -ing / -ed R. /E. -ing /-ed REASON The game was exciting . The boy was excited by the game . The story was interesting . The girl was interested in the story .
Формы - ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ: -ing / -ed REASON EFFECT REASON EFFECT annoying annoyed relaxing relaxed boring bored scary scared concerning concerned surprising surprised exciting excited tiring tired frightening frightened worrying worried interesting interested
⚠ Будьте внимательны!The ADJECTIVE is scar y , not scar ing . The snake was scaring . ✘ The snake was scary . ✔ We can use scar ing for the VERB in the continuous tenses: The snake was scaring the cat. ✔ СИМВОЛЫ/АББРЕВИАТУРАМ ✔ ✘ ADJ.
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