Guia de gramatica inglesa Quantificadores: too/enough
Quantifiers: too/enough
Função - too / enough Podemos usar too antes de um adjetivo para mostrar que algo é inadequado ou indesejável ou torna algo impossível.
Podemos usar enough depois de um adjetivo para mostrar que algo é adequado , suficiente ou desejável .
SUBJECT is unsuitable for OBJECT SUBJECT is undesirable for OBJECT SUBJECT is suitable for OBJECT SUBJECT is desirable for OBJECT Gramática - too / enough SUBJECT is undesirable for OBJECT SUBJ + BE + too + ADJ. + for + OBJ. India is too hot for penguins .... NEG. BE + ADJ. + enough + for ... The Arctic isn't hot enough for lions .SUBJECT is suitable for OBJECT ... BE + ADJ. + enough + for ... Africa is hot enough for lions .Exemplos - too + ADJETIVO SUBJECT BE too ADJ. OBJECT Africa is too hot for penguins . The Arctic is too cold for lions .
Exemplos - NEGATIVO BE + ADJETIVO + enough SUBJECT NEG. BE ADJ. enough OBJECT Africa isn't cold enough for penguins . The Arctic isn't hot enough for lions .
Exemplos - ADJETIVO + enough SUBJECT BE ADJ. enough OBJECT Africa is hot enough for lions . The Arctic is cold enough for penguins .
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