영어 문법 가이드

부정관사와 정관사: a/an  vs the

Indefinite Articles vs The Definite Article: a/an vs the

문법 - 처음 언급두 번째 언급

처음 언급할 때 명사 에는 이름 을 붙입니다. 다시 언급할 때는 종종 대명사 를 사용합니다.

일반적으로 명사를 처음 언급할 때는 a 또는 an 을 사용합니다. 명사를 다시 언급할 때는 항상 the 를 사용합니다.

  • 이름/사물 대명사
  • Tom he
  • a cat → it
  • a/an + NOUN → the + NOUN
  • a/an + 명사 → the + 명사
  • a cat → the cat
  • I saw a cat. The cat was black.

형태 - 이름/사물대명사

NAME/THING (1st)PRONOUN (2nd/...)
A carIt
The carIt

- 이름/사물대명사

I saw a cat.It was black.
I met Tom.He was OK.

- 이름/사물대명사

  • I saw a cat. It was black and it was small. It sat on the floor.

형태 - a/anthe

a/an + THING (1st)the + THING (2nd/...)
a carthe car
an applethe apple

- a/anthe

  • I saw a cat and a dog. The cat was black and the dog was white.
  • I ate an apple and an orange. The apple was sweet and the orange was sour.

- a/anthe

  • I saw a cat and a dog. The cat was black and the dog was white. The dog chased the cat. The cat ran away. Then the dog saw a rabbit.

당신의 지식을 테스트: 퀴즈 시작

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* 12th November, 2024

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* 12th November, 2024

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, 앱 페이지

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* 12th November, 2024

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* 12th November, 2024

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