영어 문법 가이드 의문문 구조
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문법 - 의문문 어미확인 질문의 경우, 의문사 가 있는 문장을 사용합니다.
의문사 는 시제의 조동사를 사용합니다.
SUBJ. + VERB ... , + NEG. AUX. + SUBJ. ?Yes,/No, + SUBJECT + AUX. /NEG. AUX. You like chocolate, don't you ?Yes, I do . You are French, aren't you ?Yes, I am . He 's been to Spain, hasn't he ?Yes, he has . She went to Italy, didn't she ?No, she didn't . They can swim, can't they ?No, they can't . 형태 - 조동사TENSE AUXILIARY BE in the Present Simple am /are /is BE in the Past Simple was /were Present Simple do /does Past Simple did Present Continuous am /are /is Present Perfect have /has HAVE GOT have /has Modals (will /can /... ) will /can /...
예 - 의문문 어미 ➤ Yes 및 No STATEMENT TAG ANS. You like dogs,don't you ?➤ Yes, I do .He can swim,can't he ?➤ Yes, he can .She's a doctor,isn't she ?➤ Yes, she is .You went home,didn't you ?➤ No, I didn't .He was happy,wasn't he ?➤ Yes, he was .You 've got a cat,haven't you ?➤ Yes, I have .She 'll be late,won't she ?➤ No, she won't .
상징/줄임말 ANS. AUX. N. NEG. SUBJ.
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