영어 문법 가이드 양화사: much/a lot/a bit/a little
Quantifiers: much/a lot/a bit/a little
기능 - 수량 표현 수량 표현 을 비교급 형용사 와 함께 사용하여 2 개의 명사 또는 활동 를 비교 할 수 있습니다.
수량 표현 은 2 개의 명사 가 얼마나 다른지 를 알려줍니다.
Quantifying Comparative Adjectives문법 - 수량 표현 QUANTIFIERS : much /a lot /a bit /a little ... BE + QUANT. + COMP. ADJ. + than ... Elephants are much bigger than ants .... BE + QUANT. + more + ADJ. + than ... Gold is a lot more expensive than steel .Stonger: much /a lot Weaker: a bit /a little 예 - much / a lot S. BE QUANT. COMP. than OBJ. Elephants are much bigger than ants .Russia is a lot larger than France .
예 - much / a lot S. BE QUANT. more ADJ. than OBJ. Gold is much more expensive than steel .Pigs are a lot more intelligent than cows .
예 - a bit / a little S. BE QUANT. COMP. than OBJ. Brazil is a bit smaller than the USA .China is a little bigger than Australia .
예 - a bit / a little S. BE QUANT. more ADJ. than OBJ. Coffee is a bit more expensive than tea .Pigs are a little more intelligent than dogs .
상징/줄임말 ADJ. COMP. OBJ. QUANT. S.
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