영어 문법 가이드 미래 예측: will/won't/might
Future Predictions: will/won't/might
기능 - will 미래를 위해 will 을 사용합니다.
예측 및 약속 에 will 을 사용합니다.
또한, 말하는 순간에 내리는 결정 에도 will 을 사용합니다.
Predictions about the future 예측 Promises about the future 약속 Decisions while speaking 즉흥적인 결정 문법 - will will 을 부정사 와 함께 사용합니다.
will 을 'll 로 줄입니다.
will + INFINITIVE will + 부정사 I will come tomorrow. will → 'll I'll help you. will not → won't I won't be busy tomorrow. 예 - will S. will INF. ... I will help you tomorrow .I will call you back later .You will pass the test .He will win the game tomorrow .She will finish early .It will rain later .We will find it easy. They will lose tomorrow.
예 - will : 축약형 S. + 'll INF. ... I'll help you tomorrow .I'll call you back later .You'll pass the test .He'll win the game tomorrow .She'll finish early .It'll rain later .We'll find it easy. .They'll lose tomorrow. .
예 - will : 부정 축약형
will 의 부정 은 won't 입니다.
S. won't INF. ... I won't call you later. You won't pass the test. He won't win the game tomorrow. She won't finish early. It won't rain later. We won't find it easy. They won't lose tomorrow.
문법 - will : 예/아니오 질문 ➤ Yes / No Will 은 질문에서 주어 앞에 옵니다.
예/아니오 대답이 가능한 닫힌 질문 에서는 짧은 대답에 will 을 사용합니다.
Will + SUBJECT + INF. ... ?Yes, + SUBJECT + will Will + 주어 + 부정사 ... ?Yes, + 주어 + will Will he come tomorrow?Yes, he will .Will + SUBJECT + INF. ... ?No, + SUBJECT + won't Will + 주어 + 부정사 ... ?No, + 주어 + won't Will they win tomorrow?Yes, they will .예 - will : 예/아니오 질문 ➤ Yes / No Will S. INF. ... Y /N S. WILL Will you help later? ➤ Yes, I will . Will it rain later? ➤ No, it won't .
기능 - might 확실하지 않을 때 might 를 사용합니다.
We are not sure about the future. 확실하지 않다 문법 - might might + INFINITIVE might + 부정사 It might rain . might not + INFINITIVE He might not visit . 예 - might S. might INF. ... I might go tomorrow. You might pass the test. He might win the game tomorrow. She might finish early. It might rain later. We might find it easy. They might lose tomorrow.
문법 - think ... will 예측 을 위해 현재 시제에서 think 를 will 과 함께 자주 사용합니다.
SUBJ.+ THINK + SUBJ. 2 + will + INF. I think he will win . 예 - think ... will S. THINK S. 2 + 'll INF. I think it'll rain later. He thinks he'll win the game. She thinks she'll finish early. We think we'll be there soon. They think they'll lose tomorrow.
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