영어 문법 가이드 Be: 현재 시제의 부정형
Be: Negatives in the Present Simple Tense
문법 - Be : 부정형 are not 와 is not 의 부정형은 일반적으로 aren't 와 isn't 로 줄여 씁니다.
SUBJECT + NEGATIVE BE 주어 + BE (부정문 )am not → 'm not I + 'm not I 'm not an engineer.are not → aren't /'re not You /We /They + aren't You aren't bad.is not → isn't /'s not He /She /It + isn't He isn't at home.예 - Be : 부정 축약형 S. + NEG. CONT. ... I 'm not a doctor. You aren't bad. He isn't at work. She isn't in Boston. It isn't a book. We aren't in the library. They aren't busy.
We can contract the negatives are not and is not into 're not and 's not .
S. + NEG. CONT. ... I 'm not a doctor. You 're not bad. He 's not at work. She 's not in Boston. It 's not a book. We 're not in the library. They 're not busy.
⚠ 조심하세요!am not → amn't ✘ am not → 'm not ✔
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