영어 문법 가이드
관계 대명사: 목적어 대명사
Relative Clauses: The Object Pronoun
기능 - 관계사절 : 목적어
- 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
To give more information about theobject
문법 - 관계사절 : 목적어
다시 언급할 때, 무언가에 대한
같은 문장에서 다시 언급할 때,
- 2 Sentences → 1 Sentence
OBJECT PRONOUN →RELATIVE PRONOUN PERSON →who /that me /you /him /her /us /them →who /that - Friends are people. You
like them . - Friends are people
who youlike . THING →which /that it /one →which /that - A pen is a tool. You use
one for writing . - A pen is a tool
that you usefor writing . PLACE →where there →where - A park is a place. You
can relax there . - A park is a place
where youcan relax .
예 - 목적어 가 있는 문장
Friends are people. | You like |
A pen is a tool. | You use |
A park is a place. | You can relax |
예 - 목적어 → 관계대명사
Friends are people |
Friends are people |
A pen is a tool |
A pen is a tool |
A park is a place |
⚠ 조심하세요!
- We
don't need to use aRELATIVE PRONOUN for anOBJECT . - A pen is a tool. You use
one for writing. - A pen is a tool
that you use for writing.✔ - A pen is a tool you use for writing.
상징/줄임말 | ||
✔ |