영어 문법 가이드 과거 습관과 현재 완료 시제: use to
Past Habits vs Present Perfect: use to
기능 - use to / used to use to 및 used to 는 과거에 자주 하거나 과거에 오랜 기간 동안 했던 일에 사용됩니다. 우리는 더 이상 이러한 일들을 하지 않습니다 (지금).
Actions we used to do (did) often in the past Actions we used to do (did) for a long time period in the past Actions we do not do anymore (now) Past Simple Tense 문법 - use to / used to Did + SUBJECT + use to + INFINITIVE... ? SUBJECT + used to + INFINITIVE ... use to → used to I used to live in LA when I was a child. 예 - use to S. used to ACTION TIME I used to cry a lot when I was a baby. I used to live in LAwhen I was a child.
⚠ 조심하세요!We use use to in the past simple tense. use to → used to SUBJECT + used to + INFINITIVE ... SUBJECT + didn't + use to + INFINITIVE ... 기능 - 현재완료 vs use to 우리는 과거에 자주 했던 일에 use to 를 사용합니다. 경험 에는 현재 완료 시제 를 사용합니다.
The Present Perfect Tense :Experiences I have seen the Pyramids . use to :Actions we used to do (did) often Actions we did for a long time in the past I used to live in LA when I was a child . 예 - 현재완료 S. have EXPERIENCE I have eaten crocodile .I have been to Paris twice .
예 - use to S. used to ACTION TIME IN THE PAST I used to eat meat but now I'm vegetarian. I used to live in LAwhen I was a student.
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