영어 문법 가이드 다른 시제에서의 공통점: so/neither/nor
Things in Common in Different Tenses: so/neither/nor
문법 - so + 조동사 so 또는 neither /nor 를 시제에 맞는 조동사 또는 조동사 와 함께 사용합니다.
POSITIVE STATEMENT So + AUX. + SUBJ. PRON. I was busy yesterday. So was I .문법 - neither + 조동사 NEGATIVE STATEMENT Neither + AUX. + SUBJ. PRON. I haven't been to Japan Neither have I .문법 - nor + 조동사 NEGATIVE STATEMENT Nor + AUX. + SUBJ. PRON. I didn't work yesterday. Nor did I .문법 - 다름/반대/공통점 없음 ⧾ ⧿ POSITIVE STATEMENT ... SUBJ. PRON. + NEG. AUX. I was busy yesterday. Oh, I wasn't . 문법 - 다름/반대/공통점 없음 ⧿ ⧾ NEGATIVE STATEMENT ... SUBJ. PRON. + AUX. I haven't been to Japan Oh, I have . ⚠ 조심하세요!The AUXILIARY changes with the tense. 형태 - 조동사 Tense AUXILIARY BE in the Present Simple am /are /is BE in the Past Simple was /were Present Simple do /does Past Simple did Present Continuous am /are /is Present Perfect have /has HAVE GOT have /has Modal Verbs will /can /...
예 - Be ➤ so POSITIVE POSITIVE (same)I'm a student. ➤ So am I.You're smart. ➤ So are you.She's at work. ➤ So is he.I was here last week. ➤ So was I.They were here in 2022. ➤ So were we.
예 - Be ➤ neither / nor NEGATIVE NEGATIVE (same)I'm not a student. ➤ Nor /Neither am I.You are n't busy. ➤ Nor /Neither are you.She is n't at work. ➤ Nor /Neither is he.I was n't there. ➤ Nor /Neither was I.They were n't busy. ➤ Nor /Neither were they.
예 - have got ➤ so POSITIVE POSITIVE (same)I've got a car. ➤ So have I.He's got a dog. ➤ So has she.I've finished. ➤ So have I.He's been to France. ➤ So has she.
예 - have got ➤ neither / nor NEGATIVE NEGATIVE (same)I have n't got a cat ➤ Nor have I.She has n't got a car. ➤ Neither has he.I have n't finished ➤ Nor have I.She has n't been here. ➤ Neither has he.
예 - 진행형 ➤ so POSITIVE POSITIVE (same)I'm working now. ➤ So am I.You're playing well. ➤ So are you.She's swimming. ➤ So is he.I was sleeping. ➤ So was I.They were running. ➤ So were we.
예 - 진행형 ➤ neither / nor NEGATIVE NEGATIVE (same)I'm not studying. ➤ Nor am I.You are n't working. ➤ Neither are you.She is n't sleeping. ➤ Nor is he.I was n't sleeping. ➤ Neither was I.They were n't working. ➤ Nor were they.
예 - 조동사 ➤ so POSITIVE POSITIVE (same)I can swim. ➤ So can I.I'll be there soon. ➤ So will I.You should exercise! ➤ So should you!
예 - 조동사 ➤ neither / nor NEGATIVE NEGATIVE (same)I can't sleep now. ➤ Nor can I.He won't be there. ➤ Neither will she.She should n't smoke. ➤ Nor should he.
상징/줄임말 ⧿ ⧾ AUX. NEG. POS. PRON. S. SUBJ.
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