英語文法ガイド 義務: have to
Obligation: have to
機能 - have to 何かを しなければならない 、または する必要がある ときには、現在単純形で have to を使います。
英語文法 - have to have to は 不定詞 と一緒に使います。
SUBJECT + HAVE to + INFINITIVE 主語 + HAVE to + 不定詞 HAVE → have /has I /You /We /They + have to + INFINITIVE I have to work tomorrow.He /She /It + has to + INFINITIVE She has to start work early.have to = have got ✘ have = have got ✔ 機能 - don't have to don't have to は必要ないという意味です。
Not Necessary 必要はありません don't have to = must not ✘ don't have to = can choose to ✔ 例 - have to / has to SUBJ. HAVE to INF. ... I have to work later .You have to pay the fine .He has to go to the doctor .She has to see her lawyer .We have to meet our accountant at three .They have to stop the noise .
例 - don't have to / doesn't have to SUBJ. NEG. HAVE to INF. ... I don't have to work on Sunday .You don't have to eat it all .He doesn't have to travel far .She doesn't have to spend much at home .We don't have to work at night .They don't have to get up early on Sunday .
学習テスト: クイズを始める
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