英語文法ガイド 現在完了形: How long?
The Present Perfect Tense: How long?
機能 - 現在完了形現在完了形は、どれくらいの期間 または期間 について議論するために使います。活動は始まったが、まだ終わっていません。
How long? Starting in the past and continuing now 英語文法 - 現在完了形for を期間 と一緒に使います。
since を開始時間 と一緒に使います。
for + NUMBER + TIME PERIOD I've lived here for 3 years . They've been there for 2 months . since + TIME IN THE PAST He's worked here since last January . It's been open since 2010 . 例 - How long 疑問文How long HAVE SUBJ. V3 (for) How long have you lived here for? How long have you worked here for?
例 - How long ➤ for ... for TIME PERIOD I've lived here for 5 years .I've worked there for 6 months .
例 - How long ➤ since ... since TIME IN THE PAST I've lived here since 2020 .I've worked there since July .
学習テスト: クイズを始める
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