英語文法ガイド 接尾辞: 形容詞から派生した名詞
Suffixes: Nouns from Adjectives
機能 - 形容詞 → 名詞 接尾辞-ence 、-ance 、-ity 、 -ty 、-ness という接尾辞は、形容詞 を 名詞 に変えます。
英語文法 - 形容詞 → 名詞 接尾辞ADJECTIVE → NOUN -ence silent → silence -ance important → importance -ity creative → creativity -ty safe → safety -ness bright → brightness 形 - 名詞 : -ence ADJECTIVE NOUN absent absence confident confidence different difference exist existence influent influence intelligent intelligence patient patience silent silence
形 - 名詞 : -ance ADJECTIVE NOUN ignorant ignorance important importance reliant reliance significant significance
形 - 名詞 : -ity ADJECTIVE NOUN active activity brutal brutality capable capability creative creativity equal equality legible legibility moral morality secure security suitable suitability
形 - 名詞 : -ty ADJECTIVE NOUN cruel cruelty honest honesty loyal loyalty modest modesty safe safety
形 - 名詞 : -ness ADJECTIVE NOUN bright brightness dark darkness happy happiness ill illness kind kindness sad sadness shy shyness sick sickness useful usefuless weak weakness
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