英語文法ガイド Whose と所有格 ('s )
Whose and the Possessive ('s )
機能 - 所有格 : 's 名前 の場合は、人 が 所有 、保有 、または 所有 していることを示すために、名詞 に 's を使用します。
NAME + 's + NOUN = NAME has NOUN NAME + 's + NOUN = NAME owns NOUN 名 + 's + 名詞 = 名 持つ 名詞 It's Tom 's milk . 例 - 所有格 : 's SUBJECT VERB NAME + 's NOUN I drank Tom 's milk .You ate Jerry 's cheese .He found Cinderella 's shoe .
例 - 所有格 : 's NAME + 's NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE Tom 's house is big. Jerry 's cheese tastes nice. Jack 's beans grew tall.
⚠ 注意!NOUN + 's = POSSESSIVE ✔ 名詞 + 's = 所有格の ✔ It + 's = POSSESSIVE ✘ It + 's = It is /It has ✔ It + s = POSSESSIVE ✔ The phone 's screen is good. ✔ It's screen is good. ✘ It's (It is ) a good screen. ✔ Its screen is good. ✔ 機能 - Whose 所有者 について尋ねるには、Whose を使用します。
Whose ... ? ➤ POSSESSIVE Whose ... ? ➤ 所有格の Whose milk is that?It's Tom's milk. 例 - Whose Whose NOUN. ... ... POSS. N. Whose bag is that? ➤ It is my bag. Whose pens are they? ➤ They're Tom's pens. Whose cup is that? ➤ It is Jerry's cup.
⚠ 注意!Who's ... ? ➤ POSSESSIVE ✘ Who's ... ? ➤ 所有格の ✘ Whose ... ? ➤ POSSESSIVE ✔ Whose ... ? ➤ 所有格の ✔ Who's (Who is ) bag is that? ✘ Whose bag is that? ✔ Who's = Who is Who's (Who is ) the captain? ✔
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