Grammaire anglaise

Verbes d'état vs Present Continuous

Stative Verbs vs Present Continuous

L'emploi - Le Present Continuous

Nous utilisons le présent continu pour les actions temporaires qui se produisent maintenant ou vers maintenant.

Certains verbes sont des verbes d'état et ne sont pas des actions. Nous utilisons le présent simple pour les verbes d'état même s'ils sont temporaires et se produisent maintenant.

  • The Present Continuous Tense:
  • Now
  • Around Now
  • Temporary Actions
  • Future Arrangements
  • The Present Simple Tense:
  • Usual/Repeated Actions
  • Facts
  • Future Schedules
  • Stative Verbs
  • Stative Verbs:
  • Now
  • Around Now
  • Temporary but Not Actions

Grammaire - Verbes d'état vs Le Present Continuous

  • Use the present simple for stative verbs:
  • I am understanding the question.
  • I understand the question.
  • I am knowing the answer.
  • I know the answer.
  • Use the present continuous for actions:
  • I work at the moment.
  • I am working at the moment.
  • I play a game right now.
  • I am playing a game right now.

Exemples - Le Present Continuous: Actions

Iamworkingat homeright now.
Youareplayingwellthese days.
Sheisstudyinghardthese days.
Wearecomingto visittomorrow.
Theyaresellinga lotthis month.

Exemples - Le Present Simple: Verbes d'état

Iamat home.
Heremembersthe way.
Tomunderstandsthe question.
Sheknowsthe answer.
The foodneedsmore salt.
Wewantto go to the park.
Theyoweus money.
The dogslikethe food.

vocabulaire - Verbes d'état

agree imagine
appear include
be know
believe like
cost look (seem)
feel love
have (possess) mean
hear mind

vocabulaire - Verbes d'état

need smell
owe sound
own taste
possess think (have an opinion)
promise understand
remember want
see weigh
seem wish

Attention !

  • Some stative verbs are sometimes actions.
  • I am thinking that's a good idea!
  • I think that's a good idea! (= opinion)
  • I'm thinking about (= considering) it.
  • I am having some money.
  • I have (= possess) some money.
  • I am having (= eating) lunch right now.
  • The food is looking good today.
  • The food looks (= seems) good today.
  • I am looking (= searching) for my keys.

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