Grammaire anglaise

Present Perfect : Négation

The Present Perfect Tense: Negatives

Grammaire - Le Present Perfect: Négations

Nous utilisons généralement never pour former la négation.

Nous pouvons également contracter les négations have not et has not en haven't et hasn't.

  • have not haven't/have never + V3
  • I/You/We/They + haven't/have never + V3
  • I have never climbed a mountain before.
  • They haven't studied it before.
  • has not hasn't/has never + V3
  • He/She/It + hasn't/has never + V3
  • She's never baked a cake before.

Exemples - Le Present Perfect: Négations

S. + HAVEneverV3...
I'veneverclimbeda tree before.
You'veneverriddena horse before.
He'sneverflownto Paris before.
Tom'sneverbeento Rome before.
She'sneverseena snake before.
It'sneversnowedhere before.
We'venevercaughttuna before.
They'veneverhadtime before.

Attention !

  • never = not ever = not before now

Exemples - Le Present Perfect: Négations Contractées

Ihaven'tcalledyou before.
Youhaven'tplayedchess before.
Hehasn'tcookedcurry before.
Shehasn'twatcheda musical before.
Ithasn'tsnowedhere before.
Wehaven'ttalkedto them before.
Theyhaven'tsailedto France before.

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