Guía de gramática inglesa

Present Perfect: Contracciones

The Present Perfect Tense: Contractions

Gramática - El Tiempo Perfecto: Contracciones

Contraemos have y has en 've y 's.

  • have 've
  • I/You/We/They + 've + V3
  • I've climbed a mountain before.
  • They've studied it before.
  • has 's
  • He/She/It + 's + V3
  • She's baked a cake before.

Ejemplos - El Tiempo Perfecto: Contracciones

I'veclimbeda mountain before.
You'veriddena horse before.
He'sflownin a plane before.
Tom'sbeento Antarctica before.
She'sseena snake before.
It'ssnowedhere before.
The town'sfloodedbadly before.
We'vecaughttuna here before.
They'vehadproblems before.
The kids havebrokena window before.


  • 's = has or is
  • He's (= is) a teacher.
  • He's (= has) eaten kangaroo before.

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