English Grammar Guide Have Got: ContractionsGrammar - have got : Contractions We contract have and has into 've and 's .
have → 've I /You /We /They + 've got I 've got a dog.has → 's He /She /It + 's got She 's got a car.Examples - have got : Contractions SUBJ. + HAVE got NOUN I 've got a guitar. You 've got a parcel. He 's got black hair. Tom 's got 2 brothers. She 's got good grades. It 's got a good screen. The car 's got air conditioning. We 've got lots of time. They 've got a nice house. The dogs have got food. Tom and Jerry have got problems.
⚠ Be Careful!'s = has or is He's (= is ) a teacher. He's (= has ) got a car. ⚠ Be Careful!have got = have I've got a car. ✔ I have got a car. ✔ I have a car. ✔ 've + NOUN ✘ I've a car . ✘ 've + got ✔ I've got a car. ✔ has got = has He's got a car. ✔ He has got a car. ✔ He has a car. ✔ 's + NOUN ✘ He's a car . ✘ 's + got ✔ He's got a car. ✔ Symbols & Abbreviations = Same as ✔ Correct ✘ Incorrect SUBJ. Subject
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