Englische Grammatikübungen

There is & There are

There is & There are

Verwendung - There is/There are

Wir verwenden there is und there are, um zu sagen, dass ein Substantiv an einem Ort existiert. Wir verwenden normalerweise eine Präposition.

  • A NOUN is in a PLACE.
  • NOM & ORT

Grammatik - There is/There are

Für Einzahlsubstantive verwenden wir there is und für Mehrzahlsubstantive verwenden wir there are.

  • There is + SINGULAR + PREP. + PLACE
  • There is a bird on the roof.
  • There are + PLURAL + PREP. + PLACE
  • There are + PLURAL + PRÄPOSITION + ORT
  • There are eggs in the fridge.
  • Q. + BE + there ... ?
  • What is there in the fridge?
  • There are carrots in the fridge.
  • BE + there ... ? ➤ Yes, + there + BE
  • Is there a bird on the roof?
  • Yes, there is.
  • BE + there ... ? ➤ No, + there + NEG. BE
  • Are there lemons in the fridge?
  • No, there aren't.

Beispiele - There is/There are

Thereisa bookonthe table.
Thereisa bottleinthe fridge.
Thereisa restaurantatthe airport.
Thereisa banknearthe station.
Therearesome shoesunderthe stairs.
Therearesome flowersbythe pond.
Therearesome booksonthe shelf.

Beispiele - There is/There are: FragenViele Antworten

Bei Fragen steht Be vor there.

Für offene Fragen (Fragen mit vielen möglichen Antworten) verwenden wir ein Fragewort.

Q.BEthere ... ANSWER
Whatistherein the fridge?➤ There's a cake.
Whatisthereon the table?➤ ... an apple.
How many lions are there?➤ There are 6.
How many pens are there?➤ There are 2.

Beispiele - There is/There are: Ja/Nein-Fragen ➤ Yes/No

Für geschlossene Fragen (für die Antworten: yes und no) verwenden wir there und das Verb be.

BE + there ... ? Yes/No ...
Is there a bank near here?➤ Yes, there is.
Is there a saw in the shed?➤ No, there isn't.
Are there any cups?➤ Yes, there are.
Are there any plates?➤ No, there aren't.

Achtung !

  • Has a bird on the roof.
  • There is a bird on the roof.
  • Have eggs in the fridge.
  • There are eggs in the fridge.
  • NOM

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