Englische Grammatikübungen
Be going to: Geschlossene Fragen & Kurzantworten
Be going to: Closed Questions & Short Answers
Grammatik - be going to : Ja/Nein-Fragen ➤ Yes /No
Für geschlossene Fragen (
Kurze Antworten sind die gleichen wie mit
BE + SUBJ. + going to + INF. ... ?Yes, + SUBJ. + BE BE + SUBJEKT + going to + INFINITIV ... ?Yes, + SUBJEKT + BE BE + SUBJ. + going to + INF. ... ?No, + SUBJ. + NEG. BE BE + SUBJEKT + going to + INFINITIV ... ?No, + SUBJEKT + (NEGATIV )BE →am /are /is Yes, + I + am . Are you going to work tomorrow?Yes, I am . No, + I + 'm not . Are you going to drive tomorrow?No, I 'm not . Yes, + you /we /they + are . No, + you /we /they + aren't . Are they going to meet later?No, they aren't . Yes, + he /she /it + is . No, + he /she /it + isn't . Is she going to visit later?No, she isn't .
Beispiele - be going to : Ja/Nein-Fragen ➤ Yes /No
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