Englische Grammatikübungen
Der Present Simple: Geschlossene Fragen & Kurzantworten
The Present Simple Tense: Closed Questions & Short Answers
Grammatik - Die Gegenwart: Entscheidungsfragen ➤ Yes /No
Für geschlossene Fragen (
DO + SUBJ. + INFINITIVE ... ?Yes, + SUBJ. + DO DO + SUBJEKT + INFINITIV ... ?Yes, + SUBJEKT + DO DO + SUBJ. + INFINITIVE ... ?No, + SUBJ. + NEG. DO DO + SUBJEKT + INFINITIV ... ?No, + SUBJEKT + DO (NEGATIV )DO →do /does Yes, + I /you /we /they + do . Do you like cats?Yes, I do . No, + I /you /we /they + don't . Do they play football?No, they don't . Yes, + he /she /it + does . Does he swim a lot?Yes, he does . No, + he /she /it + doesn't . Does she read every day?No, she doesn't .
Beispiele - Die Gegenwart: Entscheidungsfragen ➤ Yes /No
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⚠ Achtung !
- Use the
INFINITIVE for questions. - Does he live
s here?✘ - Does he
live here?✔ Don't useDo /Does withbe .Do yoube OK?✘ Are you OK?✔
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NEG. |
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