Englische Grammatikübungen Datumsangaben und Ordnungszahlen
Dates and Ordinal Numbers
Verwendung - OrdnungszahlenGrammatik - DatumsangabenWir verwenden on mit Datumsangaben .
Wir verwenden Ordinalzahlen für Tage des Monats .
Dates :on + the + ORDINAL NUMBER on + the + ORDINALZAHL on the first Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten, ein Datum mit Monaten und Jahren anzugeben.
Dates with months and years :MONATE & JAHRE :on + the + ORD. + of + MONTH + YEAR on + the + ORDINALZAHL + of + MONAT + JAHR on the second of May , 2016 on + MONTH + the + ORD. + YEAR on + MONAT + the + ORDINALZAHL + JAHR on June the third , 2030 Beispiele - DatumsangabenACTIVITY on the ORD. I met him on the fourth .I am leaving on the eighth .
Beispiele - DatumsangabenACTIVITY on the ORD. of MONTH YEAR I went there on the first of May ,2010. I am starting on the second of June .
Beispiele - DatumsangabenACTIVITY on MONTH the ORDINAL YEAR I saw it on May the first ,2010. I'm playing on June the second .
Formen - Grundzahlen und Ordnungszahlen
Ordinalzahlen werden für Datumsangaben, Ordnungen und Reihenfolgen verwendet.
Hier ist eine Liste von Ordinalzahlen :
CARD. ORD. 1 one 1st first 2 two 2nd second 3 three 3rd third 4 four 4th fourth 5 five 5th fifth 6 six 6th sixth 7 seven 7th seventh 8 eight 8th eighth 9 nine 9th ninth 10 ten 10th tenth
CARD. ORD. 11 eleven 11th eleventh 12 twelve 12th twelfth 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth 15 fifteen 15th fifteenth 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth 17 seventeen 17th seventeenth 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth 19 nineteen 19th nineteenth 20 twenty 20th twentieth
CARD. ORD. 21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first 22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second 23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third 24 twenty-four 24th twenty-fourth 25 twenty-five 25th twenty-fifth 26 twenty-six 26th twenty-sixth 27 twenty-seven 27th twenty-seventh 28 twenty-eight 28th twenty-eighth 29 twenty-nine 29th twenty-ninth 30 thirty 30th thirtieth
CARD. ORD. 31 thirty-one 31st thirty-first 40 forty 40th fortieth 50 fifty 50th fiftieth 60 sixty 60th sixtieth 70 seventy 70th seventieth 80 eighty 80th eightieth 90 ninety 90th ninetieth 100 hundred 100th hundredth 1,000 thousand 1,000th thousandth 1,000,000 million 1,000,000th millionth
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